How to get back to programming Python?

Aug 24, 2024 03:55 PM 0 Answers Ask Question
Member Since Apr 2019
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Given your background, here's a succinct guide to get back into Python:

1. Switch to VSCode for improved productivity, leveraging its integrated test explorer and debugger.
2. Use type annotations and auto-formatting with 'black'.
3. Familiarize yourself with `pyproject.toml` for project configuration.
4. Explore async/await for cleaner async code.
5. Use f-strings for string formatting.
6. Utilize ChatGPT-4 or GitHub Copilot for coding assistance.
7. Experiment with Replit for a hassle-free development environment.
8. For image recognition projects, delve into libraries like OpenCV and TensorFlow.

These steps should provide a comprehensive foundation to ease your transition back into Python programming.

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