everycars.co is a platform where users can choose their
Problem Or Pain Point That Your Startup Idea Aims To Address.
The problem solved by everycars.co is the challenge of finding and selecting a classic car project efficiently, as well as the need for a platform to document and share project progress. Additionally, the platform addresses the issue of data accuracy and review in the classic car space.
This “Startup Idea” Audience
This idea is best suited for classic car enthusiasts looking to research and choose their next project, as well as individuals who want to document and share their classic car restoration journey. Those interested in contributing to data accuracy and review within the classic car community will also find value in this platform.
Startup Idea:
everycars.co is a platform where users can choose their next classic car project from a selection of over 2500 cars with filters and create a Garage to showcase their projects step by step. The platform also includes a badge system to indicate the level of sincerity in the data collected for each car.