How To Design Your Own iPhone Apps And Games With No Programming Experience

Make Your Own iPhone Games & Apps Without Any Programming Knowledge
We all admire programmers for their knowledge and innovative skills. They are really sharp and skillful lot. They can use trivial programs like Notepad and use it to make amazing applications. With experience and knowledge like theirs, it is no surprise that they are so successful in their profession.
I am sure that you will be surprised to know that such a thing is not impossible for you either. You might be skeptical about that, but there are several ways for people with no experience of programming to achieve completion in certain task in this highly technical field such as, design games for iPhone and make iPhone apps.
You can find a number of tools in the market that you can start using without the need of prior experience. But if you are totally new to this field, then you can attend some programming camps and learn more about such tools.
1. SwebApps for Newbies
SwebApps is a tool that is extremely popular among keen developers with no experience. The creator of this program said that he developed this tool to address the needs of novice developers. It is a very simple yet effective tool.
You will need to choose your genre first, and then you can proceed with custom templates and buttons, functions, etc.
The customized setup will help you create your app fast. After you finish the development of your app, you can upload it on Apple store.
SwebApps has a lot of tutorials for practice and online help is also readily available, so everyone can use it to design iPhone games of their own.
2. App Incubator
There are brilliant people who have good ideas but no experience in the field of programming apps. If you are one of such people, then the best software for you is “App Incubator”.
Developed by MEDL Mobile, this application allows you to first communicate your ideas to a team of programmers.
If you want to develop iPhone games or iPhone apps, you can forward your ideas via an iPhone or by logging on to the company’s website.
A team of experienced professional will review your proposal. If they are impressed by your idea, then they will propose to develop an app for a small fee. If you accept, the company will have the app built for you.
Moreover, they will also help you market your app. So, if you have a good idea, then you can make an interesting app using their service.
3. My AppBuilder for New Programmers
Another great application for new programmers is called My AppBuilder This software allows you to make an iPhone app out of any content that you may have on your computer.
For example, if you have a good collection of music, you can make a jukebox. Similarly, you can develop custom quizzes and blog sites. My AppBuilder is a really powerful tool for beginners. You can get this tool for a small fee.
If you really have interest in this field, then their are many doors that are wide open for you. You can join a programming camp, learn about great tools and get started with your iPhone app development spree.