Startup Ideas

Creating a dating platform with a strong focus on finding

Problem Or Pain Point That Your Startup Idea Aims To Address.

There is a need for a dating platform that prioritizes meaningful connections over casual encounters based on astrology compatibility. Additionally, astrologers lack a centralized platform to offer their services, making it difficult for users to find and connect with them easily.

This “Startup Idea” Audience

This idea is best suited for individuals who believe in astrology and are looking for a more intentional and personalized approach to finding relationships. It also targets astrologers who want to expand their reach and offer their services to a wider audience in a more structured manner.

Startup Idea:

Creating a dating platform with a strong focus on finding soulmates rather than casual relationships, using astrology algorithms for matchmaking. Another idea is to create a platform that centralizes and ‘uberizes’ astrologers, allowing users to connect with them through memberships and subscriptions.


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